Vicky Kaushal is a well-known Indian actor who has used his net worth to create new opportunities for himself and others. He has used his money to invest in several projects, including films, television series, and business ventures. First, Kaushal has invested in multiple films, both as an actor and as a producer. He co-produced the critically acclaimed film ‘Uri: The Surgical Strike’, and has also appeared in films such as ‘Raazi’, ‘Sanju’, and ‘Bhoot: Part One’. He has used his net worth to finance these films and to ensure their success. Second, Kaushal has invested in television series such as ‘Lust Stories’, ‘Love Per Square Foot’, and ‘The Gone Game’. He is also the Executive Producer of the upcoming series ‘The Forgotten Army’. Kaushal has used his net worth to fund these projects and promote them to wider audiences. Finally, Kaushal has also used his net worth to invest in business ventures. He has invested in various startups and is also the brand ambassador for several companies. He has used his money to help promote the businesses and to ensure their success. Overall, Vicky Kaushal has used his net worth to create new opportunities for himself and others. He has invested in films, television series, and business ventures, helping to promote them and ensure their success.